Christmas is a hectic time of year. The lights, the trees, the decorations, the cookies, the presents, the parties, and the family fill our nights and weekends. By themselves, each of these is fun. They bring happiness and excitement to the end of our year and remind us of the hope that so often filled our childhood years. Yet if we are not careful, these activities become the goal of Christmas, clouding out the real reason for celebration: the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior. The only reason to celebrate Christmas is the reality that God, seeing the plight of man and knowing that by ourselves, we are dead in our sins, decided to send his Son, Jesus, to become man. What wonderful news. People without hope in the world, when the hope of the world enters our lives, walks in our shoes, is tempted and suffers like us, yet without sin. But despite this sinless life, he lays it down for our sake so that we can receive eternal life. This is what Christmas is all about. A sinless savior coming to rescue us so that we can experience the life God intended us to have, worshipping God forever. So, as the season kicks off, please find time to regularly pause and remember Christ this Christmas. Enjoy the festivities, but allow them to redirect your heart to the center of Christmas, Jesus Christ. Pause and reflect on the gracious gift of a glorious redeemer!