We are a multi-generational church seeking to live authentic lives for Jesus Christ every single day. Our Sunday Gathering is casual and welcoming with thought provoking worship music, relevant teaching from the Bible, and a Christ-centered kids progam.
In 2010, Corey Mitchell, Pastor of Winfield Baptist Church, developed a vision to see school districts across central Pennsylvania reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. By October 2012, 4 families answered the call to plant the first church in the Shikellmay School District. Church planting is foundational to see local people come to faith and gather around the truth of Jesus Christ, grow in Christ's truth, and go with this truth to see lives changed.
Today, Sunbury City Church exists to glorify God by making disciples who love God, live the gospel, embrace our community, and planting movement. We are a Jesus-centered, relationally-driven, missionally-focused community seeking to live everyday with gospel intentionality. Our hope is to continue the vision of seeing healthy churches planted or revitalized in school districts across central PA.