At the end of your life, what will your work declare? In 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, Paul warns the church at Corinth that at the end of time, each will give an account for the work they performed. He states how he built a foundation and then others built upon that foundation. People may use all sorts of different materials: gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, and straw. However when Jesus returns all of these materials will be tested by fire to prove the work for Christ performed. If the materials survive, they will receive a reward. If the materials do not survive, one may receive salvation but not much else. What is Paul saying? There are many ways to build a church and to share the gospel. In the end, each person will be tested for whether they used gimmicks and tricks to get others to join their church or “accept Christ” when in fact these people did not truly believe. We, as a church, want to build out of the gold, silver, and precious stones of the word of God. From our evangelism, to our community, to our membership, to our preaching and singing, to our leadership must be built upon the word of God. We do not seek the glitter and lights that draw crowds but prove to be nothing but hay and straw. Rather we seek the depth that only Christ and His word bring. May we work and live for the reward of heaven, rather than the reward of earth. Brothers, sisters lets be a people who build with solid materials by being people transformed by the gospel carrying the gospel to those around us in need of the hope of Jesus Christ!
Pastor Derek