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Sunbury City Church Newsletter  

March 2022




What comes to mind when you hear the word “church”?  My guess is that you think of the building or the time in which we gather.  In the New Testament however, the word for church actually means gathering or assembly.  The heart behind this word is that we together are the church.  We are not called to a building or a time as much as to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the people.  The emphasis is purposefully placed on the people together, which is why we as a church value the corporateness of our gatherings.  Each Sunday, you will notice, there is very little flashiness to our services.  This is intentional.  We do not value a performance, but rather a formation.  We value seeing the entire congregation participating in the singing and praising of Jesus Christ.  Thus, each week we sing in such a way as to highlight the congregation.  We purposefully choose songs to ensure each person is able to sing and sing boldly so the rest of the congregation can hear, be encouraged, and join in the singing as well.  By doing so we highlight the beauty of Jesus Christ and remind one another that we are not alone in our discipleship of Jesus Christ.  To that end, I want to personally encourage you each week to come ready to sing songs of praise to Jesus Christ.  Perhaps check out our Spotify playlist a few days before so you are ready to sing.  Then when we gather, sing loudly, so each one of us can be encouraged by these wonderful truths of Jesus Christ as we see brothers and sisters in the Lord joyfully worshipping Jesus Christ.

                                          Pastor Derek


                          Derek Van Ruler, Lead Pastor

We want to hear from you! If you have a story of how you have seen God working in your life or the life of someone else in our church, we would love to  include your story in our next newsletter. Please contact Rhiannon @ 570-850-2769 or by email @
What's Happening At SCC

First Sundays: March 6th, 12pm
Have questions about any of the sermons?  Or maybe even questions about Sunbury City Church?  Pastor Derek will lead a time after the Sunday Gathering on the first Sunday of the month, to answer any questions you may have about the sermons or even if you want to know more about Sunbury City Church.  Location: Fellowship Hall  

Prayer Night: March 30th, 6:30pm
Concerned about our world?  We serve a God who is in total control, despite what we see.  And he is a God who invites us to seek him prayer.  Join us as we gather to pray for our church, our community, and our world.  Childcare and refreshments will be provided.  Location: Sanctuary

Easter Invite: April 17th, 10:30am
Do you have friends who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ?  Pray about inviting them to our Easter service on April 17th, as we look at the reason for the hope we hold.


Missional Communities are groups of people gathering as a family, growing as servants, and going as missionaries to a designated target area to reach their neighbors with the good news of Jesus Christ.  Currently, we have four of these groups that meet and would love for you to join us!  If you are interested in joining a group, please contact us at:
One Challenge
Want to see a revival in our community?  It must start with prayer!  This year we are challenging one another to choose 1 person each month, who we can regularly pray for and ask God for opportunities to share the gospel with.  So be on the look out for the 1 challenge card in your bulletin each month, fill it out, and drop it in the offering boxes.  In a few weeks we hope to put these cards on display as a reminder that we are trusting God, together, to revive our community.


To see more prayer requests follow this link and login to your Elvanto account: Be sure to create an account if you do not have one already.
We would love to pray for you.  If you have prayer request needs, feel free to follow this link and fill out the form to let us know how we can pray for you:
Support Our Ministry: 
We exist to glorify God by making disciples who love God, live the Gospel, embrace our community, and plant movements.  With your support, we can better carry out this mission.  If you are able, please consider becoming a financial partner with us.  You can give online at: or in person, by placing your donation in our offering boxes.  
 Don't forget to check out our podcasts, available to stream on our website or any platform where you listen to your favorite podcasts.

Stay up to date with what is going on at Sunbury City Church by checking out our blog at:

Want some good books but don’t know where to go?  Check out our online bookstore at:

Want to familiarize yourself with the music we sing every Sunday? Our Spotify playlist can help you with that!


SCC mailing address:

P.O. Box 344
Sunbury, PA 17801-0344

(570) 492-4962

Email address:

Lead Pastor: Derek Van Ruler